Quantum Swing Trader (QST) is one of our most flexible stock trading methods. Designed for use with end-of-day trading, QST shows you how to choose only the highest-probability stocks and then make your trades in as little as 20 minutes a night. The QST method is taught over a series of “screen capture” videos delivered on 7 CD-ROMs and was inspired by Albert Einstein’s observation that, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” In addition to the CD-ROM lessons, you get two trading blueprints, a quick start guide, and a special “Trading for Beginners” manuals if you’re new to stock trading.
Inside you’ll learn:
How to shave hours off your trading routine forever, so you can spend more time with your family, friends, and hobbies…
The “sweet spot” of any trend that gives you the greatest profit potential…
Where to place your stop loss order in any market (hint: it’s NOT where most traders would place it)…
How you can increase your trading opportunities dramatically when you learn the truth about “selling short”, and why long positions can be far more risky than short positions…
How to take the guesswork out of trading and minimize trading stress.
And much more insight straight from the mouth of a 30+ year trading veteran.
Quantum Swing Trader truly is a “step-by-step” course, unlike some courses claim to be. I give you a 10-page Quick Start Guide that teaches you the fastest way to learn how to quickly and effortlessly learn and trade the Quantum Swing Trader method. Each CD-ROM Tutorial is a “video screen capture” that shows you exactly what’s on my computer screen, and lets you hear my voice as I hold your hand from entry to exit, over and over again, until the Quantum Swing Trader method becomes crystal clear and fused into your brain.
And I’ll go out on a limb right here and right now…I believe this course is far and away the best and most extensive stock swing trading course I have ever seen. I know that’s a gutsy claim to make, but here are the facts. As I said above, I’ve spent more money than I can remember (thousands and thousands of dollars) on trading systems and methods over the past 30+ years, so I believe I’ve seen nearly everything on the market. Based on what I’ve seen, I can’t think of any other course that compares to Quantum Swing Trader.
Everything you need to quickly master Quantum Swing Trader is included on 7 Tutorials. These tutorials are jam-packed with “screen capture” videos which let you see exactly what’s on my computer screen as I walk you through the method and show you dozens of charts. The whole time you hear my voice explain Quantum Swing Trader in very easy-to-understand language so you know exactly what to do and how to trade with it.
In fact, let me give you an example of what one of the lessons looks like. This one reveals part of my “Free Trade” strategy, which should be the goal of every trade you place.
#1: Introduction & Basics
#2: Overview Part One
#3: Overview Part Two
#4: Trading Rules
#5: Search Criteria, Options, & More
#6: Stock & Options Tutorials
#7: Search Criteria Tutorials
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