If you’re looking for the ideal way to begin your candlestick charting education , then you need “Candle Charting Essentials and Beyond.” From the basic building blocks to intermediate strategies, this DVD Workshop gives you unrivaled candle training from world-renowned expert Steve Nison.
DVD 1: The Candles – The Framework
This DVD begins building the solid, and correct, foundation for the rest of your candlestick education. See why candles are used by the most successful traders and analysts and how candles can help you overcome your trading challenges. You will learn how Steve’s Trading Triad™ Success System will put you ahead of those who don’t use this strategy. After detailing the basic construction of the candlestick line, Steve focuses on one of the most common and misunderstood candle signals-the doji. Want to know if a breakout is likely to be false? Then pay special attention to the section on spinning tops and doji. Do you think candles are complicated? This is just one of the misunderstandings that are blown apart here. By the end of this DVD, you’ll be starting down the path to accurately read the markets’ message better and faster than ever before.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
DVD 2: Essentials of Single Candle Lines
Candles have their own special message. But how do you correctly read their message? Steve gives you the answer by showing you, step by step, how to read what the candlestick line – both the real body and shadows- is relaying about the health of the market. Using this information, you’ll see the inside secret of how to tell which way the market will break out a trading range. Not all candle signals are equally valid, and in this DVD, Steve gives you a heads up on which candle signals you must be cautious about – and why. Then see how to use the visual insights of single candle lines- even those that are not specific candle patterns- to accurately gauge when the market is most likely to reverse.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
DVD 3: Essentials of Bull and Bear Double Candle Patterns
Do you think there are too many candlestick patterns? Then you’ll appreciate how Steve zooms in on some his favorite double candle line patterns- from both the bull and bear side. With the help of this DVD, you’ll develop the confidence to quickly find and correctly use, these most important double candle line patterns to set up a trade. In this section, you’ll see how to answer the common question of “How do I know when the pattern fails?”
Here’s what you’ll learn:
This DVD completes the candles reversal patterns as Steve gives the ins and outs of the Morning and Evening Stars. While most candle patterns are reversal indicators, there are a select group of continuation candles (in which the market continues its current trend). One of these is Steve’s all time favorite candle pattern. You will see how to take advantage of this signal, which is simple to recognize, but will be a boon to your trading prowess. After a review of what you learned in this and the prior DVDs, Steve will show an example of how NOT to use candlesticks to help you avoid one of the most common, and dangerous, mistakes made by candle traders.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
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