Hubert Senters – Bond Trading Bootcamp Download

Bond Trading Bootcamp Workshop, covering ALL of my favorite Bond trading setups.
Start with the basics of the Futures Markets and guide you all the way through tactically trading bonds.
First Hour Bond Trade, Sneak Attack Trade, Overnight Bond Trade, and more!
Two Bond Indicators! Bond Breakout, and Bond Retrace Lines Indicators available for Trade Station, Think or Swim, Ninja Trader, eSignal, and Sierra Charts
Training includes the 30 Year Bond, 10 Year Note, 5 Year Note, and Euro Bund
Recorded Live Trading Sessions
This hands-on course will reveal Hubert’s best-kept secrets for mastering the bond market.

In that last ten days of the previous course, attendees had the chance to pocket $11,872.60 in profits…

With just one lot trades!

John H. boasted, “I made 8k during the Bond Boot Camp and from then till now, I’ve doubled my account trading nothing but Hubert’s bond strategy.”

Another attendee, Curtis, wrote that he was up “over $7,200 since starting. Thank You.”

I can’t guarantee the same results this time. But even if we do half as well, it would pay for the course 6 times over.

You’re about to learn the ins and outs of bond trading from one the most sought-after educators in the field.

In 4 easy-to-digest modules, Hubert lays out:

• His 7 favorite bond trades
• How to trade trends for bigger wins
• Setups for day and swing trading
• Entry and exit rules
• Where to place stop loss orders for minimum risk
• The trailing strategy that maximizes profits
• How to potentially make $6,000-$11,000 per month when bonds are moving

You’ll also be part of Hubert’s ongoing mentorship program.

Once a week for the next 4 weeks, you and fellow Bond Boot Camp members will trade live with Hubert Senters. These small-group, interactive sessions will put your training to action in a live market setting.

You’ll follow along as Hubert trades his proven setups and answers your questions in a private, members-only session.

Here’s everything you’re receiving today by joining Bond Trading Boot Camp:
Online Training Course:

You’ll get immediate online access to the Bond Trading Boot Camp video course.
• Module 1: Low Risk, High Reward Bond Trades
• Module 2: How to Trade Trends and Trend Reversals
• Module 3: How to Best Trail Your Stops for Max Profits
• Module 4: How to Hedge to Stay in Winners Longer
Bond Trading Indicator Package

Proprietary trading indicators designed exclusively for these setups. Includes a multi-user license for use on up to 3 computers.

*Compatible with TD Ameritrade, Think or Swim, TradeStation, eSignal, Ninja Trader, Sierra Charts, and Infinity IAT
Concierge Installation

Not a techy? No problem. Our support staff can do a remote installation of your new trading indicators. This service is offered at no additional charge.
Mentorship Program with Hubert Senters:

Held once a week for 4 weeks, these small-group mentoring sessions put your training into action.

• Live trades in a live market
• Spot turning points in real-time
• Live Q&A session
24/7 Access to Members Area:

As soon as you join, you’ll receive a username and password to the encrypted Bond Trading Boot Camp Members Area. You’ll be able to access your training videos and materials at any time, 24 hours a day.
Dedicated Customer Support Team:

My team of educated customer support representatives can help you with any questions you might have during the course. You’ll receive the direct number to a dedicated Customer Care team.

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