Longer term customers of Daniel T. Ferrera may be aware of his most important work, The Spirals of Growth & Decay, which was initially released in a limited edition of only 50 copies back in 2005. Clients who have come along since then may not be aware of this work, which Dan considers to be the summation of his life’s research, and the basis for all of the other research and forecasting that he does. Though he mentions cycles, Mass Pressure and other techniques he uses in his Outlooks, really the very core insight that determines all of his big picture projections and forecasts are based upon the principles contained in Spirals.
Ferrera always wanted to keep Spirals within a very small and exclusive group, hence the limited edition of 50 copies put out in 2005 which sold out. In 2010, he finally agreed to do a second limited edition of 50 copies, but we did not list this publicly, so still have about half that run remaining, so if you are interested in this most important of Ferrera’s work, we encourage you to act soon before this edition sells out.
The content within The Spirals of Growth and Decay represents the core research and life work that Ferrera spent 12 years developing before he began researching Gann Analysis, and is the base which has led to all of his other insights and understanding of the markets.
An Excerpt from the Preface
When Dan and I first met back in 1998 after both writing articles in the same issues of Traders World magazine, we became immediate friends and began an information exchange, which led to Dan privately sharing his personal research material with me and eventually two of my close personal friends. The original version that I received was simply a hand written copy of notes and theory comprising just 30 pages (anyone who knows Dan, knows that he does not waste words) along with several examples of actual charts from various markets (corn, wheat, soybeans, coffee, copper, natural gas, gold, lean hogs, Dow Jones, S&P500, NASDAQ, lumber, live cattle, and some currencies). In those 30 pages we all found what proved to be the single most fundamental and important market insight that I have ever seen, and this statement remains true to this very day.
In the years following this initial information exchange, as I shared with Dan the various works published by ICE, like those of Gann, Bayer, Baumring, and countless dozens of other essential books, I was continually amazed at Dan’s uncanny ability to immediately grasp what everyone considered to be some of the most complex and confusing material in the world. Yet for some strange reason, Dan was continuously able to immediately penetrate these cryptic texts and to synthesize their knowledge into comprehensible teachings and techniques.
Most of you do not realize, that before this point in time, Dan had never studied Gann nor any of the numerous other esoteric market masters many of us have studied. Dan’s work, prior to this exposure, centered completely around what he then called his Wave Mechanics, the theory that is elaborated and completely described in this book, Spirals of Growth & Decay. It was due to the 10+ years of hard, deep, individual research that had led him to his unique discovery of Wave Mechanics theory, that in my opinion, provided the basis for this uncanny ability to understand other teachings in an extraordinarily brief period of time, while others before him failed after years and years of vigorous effort.
Most people are quite surprised to learn that within just 6-9 months of his very first reading of Gann, Dan wrote his course, The Mysteries of Gann Analysis Unveiled!, which at that time also included the material which was later elaborated into The Gann Pyramid, Square of Nine Essentials. This course still stands as the most intelligent and penetrating interpretations of Gann’s principles, so you can imagine my complete amazement when it came out of someone who had done barely more than six months of Gann research.
As you begin reading this Spirals, you will quickly understand why Dan was able to accomplish a feat that almost no Gann researcher had accomplished before him, and in a period of time that it would take most people to simply read through Gann’s courses. His personal research into his Wave Mechanics provided him with the foundational basis to digest and comprehend these most technical ideas in a very brief time. I’ve been further surprised with each of Dan’s new intellectual explorations, like his creation of a cyclic model of the Dow in Wheels Within Wheels.
This book unravels the structural order behind the financial markets in its most pristine and exquisite beauty and a simplicity that no one would believe until they see it over and over again. When finished with this text, I can assure you will never again look at the markets in the same way. Instead you will have a technical, structural vision of the simply elegant ordering sequence and code of all financial markets, and the first thing you will do is start counting.
Ferrera calls his wave mechanics “cycles of price.” The easiest way to describe it is by looking at it from an Elliot wave standpoint, as that is what it is most similar. It’s about understanding the underlying price wave structure behind the markets, and what kind of sequencing and ordering causes such structure. Ferrera’s Spirals takes the Elliot idea 10 steps further, defining wave values, giving consistent counts without random extensions, providing an analysis that would be consistent across all Spirals users, unlike Elliot wave theory, where each analyst has a different opinion as to the counts. Ferrera goes through 100 years of Dow history breaking down this ordering process and showing it as an underlying type of morphogenetic field or vibrational structure behind market structure.
There is not a timing element to it, but it integrates beautifully with other timing projection systems and cyclical models providing a price scaffolding behind the market. It’s like having a road map, so that you know where you are in the fractal structures and where the growth MUST be going, defining with high probability the next phase of the market. It is truly a profound insight! It’s not a system, because it is not giving direct timing signals or triggers per say, which is why it works so well with things like Ferrera’s Keys to Successful Speculation, or with price/time grids like those presented in Penicka’s Gann Science.
Personally, I consider this to be the single most powerful and important insight into the markets that I have ever seen. It is not like Gann analysis, or complex cycle models and such, where you need much study, software to calculate and a deep understanding to make use of the tool. The Spirals counts are so simple they can all be done by hand with no software, no study, and no learning curve.
Spirals’ greatest application where it really shines beyond anything else, comes in major market transitions, like the 2001 top and drop, the 2007 top and drop, the 2009 bottom and turn, and the current 2019 top, which Ferrera’s Spirals called as a Bear Market in early December 2018, before the huge drop. I have never seen anything that so quickly and definitively tells when a major market has changed direction. As such, it allows Spirals clients to enter major markets at extreme high and low points to capture huge moves.
W. Bradstreet Stewart, Director, ICE
Without a doubt this course is Daniel T. Ferrera’s most unique and important published offering to the world of Market Forecasting and Analysis. Originally limited to only 50 copies, and 12 years in the making; The Spirals of Growth and Decay is what Dan considers to be the summation of his life’s research, and the basis for all of the forecasting work that he does.
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