We create expert advisors for Metatrader 4 that perform complex analysis of moving markets in seconds. We design all our tools to make trading as simple as possible to save you time collecting data from chart history.
By designing and building this tool for MetaTrader 4, we will help you overcome the challenges of prop companies.
What are the requirements to use this EA?
Metatrader 4-5 demo or live account
10,000 USD fund in the account or above
This EA is suitable for all Prop Firm Company.
Which prop Firm does the EA work on?
FTMO, Fundednext ,Nova, TFF , CentralTradersFund, Theproptrading, The 5ers, Fidelcrest, Blufx, Citytradersimperium, Thefundedtrader, Traderseed, Topstep, Speedup-trader and many more.
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